Fidelity vs. Simplicity : a Global Approach to Line Drawing Vectorization
1 Introduction
Vector advantages: precision, compact and resolution-independent, easy to edit, the input of many advanced applications (cartoon animation)
Drawing Vector > hard
Goal > convert freehand to vector: fidelity, simplicity, interactivity
Existing vectorization > data fidelity, no simplicity > noticeable at line junctions
Algorithm balances fidelity with simplicity favouring the simplest interpretations overall
Data fidelity > goodness of fit of Bezier curve segments
Simplicity > the number and degree of curve segments that compose the drawing
2 Algorithm
1 - extracting the skeleton
Region-based > skeleton as the frontiers between adjacent regions
morphological thinning > open curves
Output > network of 1-pixel width line
2 - vectorial representation > to identify which pixels should be grouped together to form curves
Grouping = topology of the drawing > represent it as a graph g = (V; E)
- nodes V correspond to the junctions and endpoints of the skeleton
- edges E correspond to the skeleton branches.
Edge E > Bezier curve segment
Improve accuracy > splitting the graph edges until the average fitting
error of all Bezier curves is below 2 pixels.
Initial > over-segmented vectorization
3 - merge successive curve segments > reduce overall complexity - junctions.
model > rely on the concept of a hypergraph (is a generalization of a graph in which an edge can connect any number of vertices)
x = (V; Hx) be a hypergraph of the topological graph
goal: find x' < x (iteratively > transforming the graph)
compare > measure energy U
U is composed of two terms: fidelity,simplicity and parameter delta.
Fidelity term > the accuracy of a curve network as the sum of the fitting error of all its hyperedges
Simplicity term > by the number of hyperedges, favour curve networks whose Bezier curves have low degrees
Three types of operators
- Hyperedge merge and split (line)
- Bezier degree switch
- Hyperedge overlap and dissociation (junctions)
3 User interaction
Users can stop the optimization process at any time to specify constraints > three types:
Merge - Split - Freeze
Also, parameter T offers users useful control on the explorative behaviour of the optimization
4 Results and experiments
"Image Trace" (Adobe) > produce multiple curves, lines and short spurious curves at junctions on the filtered sketches
In contrast > almost identical results and recovers junctions with precision
Robustness > thick lines - the average error low
Performances > a few seconds to a few minutes
Limitations > only consider Bezier curves, no other primitives such as circular arcs. Delta parameter is global
clean, compact and easily editable artworks > to minimize the number of curves > disambiguating line junctions
Energy formulation will inspire novel algorithms dedicated to the simplification of digital drawings composed of vector strokes
Our idea of minimizing the complexity of the output representation also has great potential for the vectorization of colour images
A Bezier curve is a parametric curve used in computer graphics and related fields.
A quadratic Bezier curve
This paper describes one method to convert a sketch to a vector image.
Vector images have many features, for example, their lines are clean because a vector image is the combination of many math formulas and not, like a jpeg image, a set of pixels.